Statistics surrounding Cyberattacks are eye-watering. You’ve only got to look at your ‘junk mail’ to see how many emails are sent with fraudulent intent. Every year Cyber Security Awareness Month takes place in October to reinforce the importance of Cyber Security vigilance.

We recently reported how there had been a 25% spike in Ransomware insurance claims compared to just one year before. 2019 saw a 2225% rise in reported UK Cyberattacks. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought a spate of new attacks preying on current fears. 

Cyberattack data shows enormous rises every year. As we all become more reliant on the digital world so Cybercriminals become more prevalent. 

At Net Primates we’ve made it our mission to position cyber security at the core of our service. The best PC, server and internet connection is nothing if it doesn’t function, and Cyberattacks can bring an organisation to its knees extremely quickly. 

Hardly a week goes by where we don’t read in the news about a large organisation being targeted. We don’t generally hear about the smaller businesses that have faced similar attacks with equally, if not more, debilitating consequences. 

Most of us know a private individual that’s been scammed in a Cyber Security attack. Businesses will not be so keen to divulge news of an attack for fear of reputational damage. But believe us – attacks are going on all the time. 

For those of you that stay up to date with our blogs, newsletters and social media posts you’ll understand more about Cyberattack risks and how to mitigate against them. You’ll realise that constant vigilance is required, maintaining IT Security measures, training staff and staying informed. Fraudsters are clever. To beat them we need to stay aware.  

At Net Primates every month is Cyber Security Awareness Month. We are constantly liaising with other industry specialists, attending courses and amending our processes and procedures in order to stay ahead of the hackers. Help us to keep your teams and your contacts informed and safe. Share this article and encourage your connections to sign up for our monthly newsletter. You’ll also benefit from keeping an eye on the National Cyber Security Centre’s website where the latest UK Cyber Security news is available. 

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