As a Director of a Limited Company are you aware that your email signature needs to contain your company name and registered address? And, did you know that this also applies to your phone? 

Additionally, all of your employees need to have this information included within emails, from whichever device they’re using. 

Another stipulation is that the wording must be legible, so no 4 point type. 

Sound like a pain?  

It needn’t be. 

The Net Primates ‘Office 365 Enhanced Security’ package includes this information by default so you can ensure you’re compliant, and not risking a hefty fine. 

And while you’re at it, why not add some more exciting information containing marketing messages, your latest products and special offers, and any company news. Whilst the compliance information must be there, it needn’t dominate. 

You may also consider adding partner logos and industry accreditations – use your email signature to build credibility by letting your customers know exactly who you are and what you’re about. 

To conclude, make the most of your email signature. Use it to inform, promote and comply… 

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