There are always many ways that we can achieve our goals. Some may seem more exciting than others but may expend WAY too much energy. And whilst we’re trying to achieve our business aims, we need all our systems and processes to be as efficient as possible. We need to focus on our core business, allowing the supporting elements of the business to operate seamlessly.  

We understand that you need your IT systems to be fully operational at all times and that’s why we like to proactively manage your IT – preventing problems before they occur. However, we also understand that there are times when you may need to raise an issue with us to resolve as soon as possible. 

1st May 2019 sees the introduction of Connectwise Manage at Net Primates, which is a PSA system that will manage tickets, time entries, reporting, and billing across the entire company. The implementation of this new platform will represent the biggest single change we’ve made to our operations since the company started, and are the result of HOURS (yes, literally hundreds of hours) spent evaluating and improving our systems & processes. We’ve poured over statistics and data in order to tailor our service, allowing us to provide you with:

  • Improved communications – keeping you informed at every step of the way 
  • Quicker delivery – significantly raising the speed at which we can respond to your requests 

We hope that you will immediately start to see the benefits the new system delivers, and as always we’d love to get your feedback on how it’s working for you. 

Need to contact support? Just email [email protected] – that part won’t change!