As is usual with sensitive case studies, we’re not in a position to share confidential information, but we can demonstrate how we helped the business in question, and how we can work with others. 

A local care sector business approached us with rudimentary IT challenges 

  • They were unable to share documents 
  • There was no cyber security or virus protection in place 
  • All IT kit was out of date with some systems still running Windows 7 (Windows 7 is receiving no support from Microsoft, with no security patches and is consequently a big liability for businesses still using it)
  • Sending and receiving emails was a challenge 

Evidently, they weren’t receiving any ongoing IT support and their IT had simply evolved over time.  

Performing even the most basic of IT tasks was proving tiresome at the least and impossible in some instances. Plus, the business had left itself wide open to a cyberattack.  

There was A LOT to do! 

So, where to start? 

Firstly, we prioritised the tasks needed to get the business working efficiently and securely. 

Primarily new IT kit was acquired. Trying to update current, yet out of date, kit may seem like the most economical solution, but there are many false economies to this strategy. Endeavoring to perform updates and upgrades on old kit can be a road to nowhere. After a certain amount of time updates and upgrades aren’t created for older kit simply because it won’t have the capability to handle them. Plus, older kit won’t necessarily be able to operate software that is needed to do the job, with or without updates. 

It’s also worth noting that the business-grade PCs and laptops supplied by Net Primates are accompanied by a 3-year warranty, entitling the owner to replacement kit and repairs as soon as is physically possible. Old IT kit won’t have a warranty and therefore leaves the owner in a vulnerable business position should anything happen to the kit. 

Next on the list was installing Microsoft Office 365 Enhanced Security on all PCs and laptops. This resolved backup and storage issues. It also enabled the business to benefit from the latest Microsoft 365 software and additional layers of vital cyber security added to the suite by Net Primates. 

We would say “finally”, but this is not the end of the story. A support package has been put in place allowing the business to benefit from ongoing IT support. No longer will they struggle to get basic tasks completed and risk a significant cyberattack.

Whilst we have resolved the issues faced, we’re also keen to emphasise that proactive IT is far better than reactive, and our support package helps achieve this. 

The business will now benefit from regular Technology Business Reviews. IT kit will remain in warranty and replacements prepared and budgeted for. Upgrades and updates will be performed regularly allowing best performance and cybersecurity. Any changes to the business that impact IT will be planned for.  

We are now moving into an exciting phase where the business can take advantage of the new technology to improve their internal collaboration as a team. Their now stable platform will help them to continue successfully growing the business. 

From the Net Primates perspective, we want to make sure businesses are efficient and safe. But on a day-to-day basis the most important aspect is that staff can do their jobs with ease. No longer are they burdened with sluggish, ineffective systems that aren’t in touch with modern requirements. So, alongside the items mentioned above we can also add ‘staff morale’. Bad kit impacts how well staff can do their jobs; instead of concentrating on what they love doing, they spend time battling with ineffective IT kit. No longer! 

If you know a business that is struggling with ancient kit and systems please refer them on to Net Primates. Making IT a priority really does help most modern businesses to thrive.